JACKSONVILLE — On June 16, New River Foundation will enjoy a "Canoe & Clam Day at Courthouse Bay Marina."

Participants will gather at Court House Bay Marina (aboard
Camp Lejeune) at 8 a.m. and start issuingcanoes, life vests, paddles, and equipment needed to canoe and clam. There will be a safety briefing and an accountability of personnel and gear. After our clam harvest, the group will return to the Marina around 10:30 a.m. and start to cook the seafood harvest around 11 a.m. Wear clothing that you don’t mind getting wet and dirty. Bring old socks to wear in the water "toe clamming." Also, bring some gloves if you have work gloves you don’t mind getting wet. A limited number of spare gloves will be available
Jacksonville MarinaJacksonville beech it really fun to have like beech amazing!!!!!!!!!!