Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.
Recent news: Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. hosted Thalian Hall: Wilmington’s Living Room, a historic theatre forum presented by the League of Historic American Theatres, Inc., October 11-12, 2010 in the recently renovated Thalian Hall.
Representatives from approximately 30 historic theatres and other organizations across the country convened in Wilmington for the League’s quarterly board meeting and another in a series of forums hosted by and for historic theatres. They joined host Tony Rivenbark, Thalian Hall’s Executive Director, in discussions ranging from preserving and sustaining a cultural icon to partnerships for enhancing community engagement and strategies for expanding historic theatres without threatening their unique characters.
By visiting a historic theatre and community renewed, forum participants learned first-hand from Thalian Hall and Wilmington, sharing information and techniques for surviving and thriving during challenging economic times.
Dedicated to sustaining America’s historic theatres for the benefit of their communities and future generations, the League of Historic American Theatres, Inc. is a national network of resources for improving historic theatres, their business and their communities. For more than three decades, League members and their historic theatres -- a growing network of more than 300 historic theatres across the U.S. and Canada -- have been at the forefront in stimulating downtown redevelopment, building community identity and heritage, promoting pride of place and anchoring creative communities.
League members know from direct experience that historic theatres are irreplaceable social, economic, historic and cultural resources for their communities. As successful survivors, historic theatres’ longevity is due to managements who constantly adapt their programming, operations and facilities to remain relevant to their communities.
Additional information about the League of Historic American Theatres, Inc. is available online at .

The 1858 Thalian Hall is one of the most significant theatres in the United States and has been in almost continuous use since it first opened. The theatre has been under the management of the Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. since 1963. In addition to the historic
Thalian Hall Main Stage, the THCPA staff operates the
City Council Chambers and
Ballroom, and the
Studio Theatre. The THCPA operates the
Center Box Office, co-ordinates the calendar and supervise the use of the facility. It provides the ushers, and maintains the interior of the building.
Last year there were over 250 shows, events and films for a total of 495 performances, and these programs attracted audiences totaling more than 85,000 people. The events ranged from music to ballet and theatre, from pop, jazz, folk and country music to the finest in domestic, independent and foreign films. The Thalian Hall complex is the site of recitals, awards ceremonies, film festivals, lectures and charity events, and is "home" to a large number of theatre and performing companies, including By Chance Productions, Opera House Theatre, Thalian Association, Willis Richardson Players, Theatre Exchange, and Stageworks Youth Theatre.
Thalian Hall is an
education center, with unique performances and programs attracting more than 10,000 school children each season. Thalian Hall is one of the most heavily utilized facilities of its kind in the nation and is an economic generator stimulating the local economy by more than $2 million dollars annually. Today Thalian Hall continues to serve as the most enduring symbol of Wilmington’s cultural heritage and exciting plans are in process for its future under the direction of the THCPA.
Explore here to learn about the near-limitless activities and opportunities that Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts affords our community and our visitors.